Chocolate and Coconut Clif Bars

Clif Bars

→ Clif bars lasts in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, sealed tightly in some sort of lunch box

100g dates (4oz), pitted

90g + 1 tbsp small cut oats (1 cup + 1 tbsp)

50g cereal (1.76 oz)*

1 ½ tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

4 tbsp shredded coconut

¼ tsp salt

2 tbsp flax seeds, semi ground

3 tbsp sunflower seeds

Melted Vegan Chocolate, optional

→ flavors will obvs differ depending on which one you use

4 tbsp agave

5 tbsp nut or seed butter of choice, I used 2 ½ almond coconut and 2 ½ tbsp hemp seed butter

*The conversion rate between grams, ounces, and cups can differ a lot depending on what cereal you choose. Check out this website to find out the volume for your specific cereal:

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